
We welcome your feedback – it’s how we continue to improve.

Please Contact Us to let us know what you think of our classes. Or click here to complete a short survey.

‘D loves attending and is always so pleased with the lovely artwork he brings home. I think the themes you pick are great, and I hope he’s able to attend more classes next year!’

‘This has really helped S and now she knows that there are many creative ways of doing art, not only drawing. She has improved a great deal.’

‘We are continually amazed at the quality of the work our child brings home, and her commitment shows how much she loves it.’

‘My son has enjoyed art club a lot and I have seen an improvement in his skills and he is spending time on his art at home too.’

‘My daughter loves art club! It’s one of the highlights of her week and she hopes to continue in the next school year! Please come back!!’

‘J has really enjoyed art club this year, especially the clay. Many thanks’

‘My daughter confidence has improved and she has really enjoyed the classes. Thank you’

‘A clearly loves the class and is growing in confidence. This helps not just for art but overall. Thanks!’

‘We were very impressed with the Picasso piece that Eddie brought home. I think he was very pleased with how it turned out.’

‘My daughter has really enjoyed this club and the activities she has taken part in. The art work that has come home has been AMAZING and has included things that I never thought she would try!’

‘My son loves it, reason he looks forward to go to school on a Monday!’

‘My child has really enjoyed Arts Club and produced some fantastic artwork which he is really proud of! I would recommend it to all children :)’

‘E has loved art club and I feel she’s got so much out of it.’